Body Contouring
Sessions are booked based on area of focus. A combination of techniques and machines will be used, tailored to each clients goals and medical history.
Body Contouring
Chin Sculpting
Arm Sculpting
Abdominal Sculpting
Love Handles & Lower Back
Leg Cellulite Treatment
Butt Sculpting

Non Surgical body contouring uses a variety of techniques and machines to aid in fat reduction that require zero downtime. These procedures reduce or remove stubborn pockets of fat to contour and shape areas of the body.
It is important for clients to commit to a healthy lifestyle, drinking plenty of water, and being active. Body contouring relies on the lymphatic system to work, so clients with certain medical conditions may not be a candidate.
Vibration Therapy utilizes passive exercise to cause intense, but comfortable, muscle contractions that increase both blood circulation and lymphatic circulation. Vibration technology produces vibrating side-to-side, up-and-down, and back-and-forth motions which generates force upon the body. The body responds to this force with a continuous flow of muscular micro-adjustments. Use of Vibration therapy accelerates and optimizes results for fat reduction treatments.
Fat cavitation low-frequency sound waves to destroy fat cells in the treated area. The sound waves cause air bubbles to form in and around fat cells. When these air bubbles burst, fat cells are destroyed and release their lipid contents. The lymphatic system picks up the lipids and excess fluids and eliminates them from the body resulting in inch loss.
Benefits include permanent fat loss, no pain or downtime and few to no side effects. This procedure is NOT intended as a weight-loss solution. It is important for clients to be active and have a healthy lifestyle as this treatment relies on a functioning lymphatic system. We recommend a series of 6-10 treatments to start, though clients have differing needs.
Radiofrequency (RF) energy emits electrical energy that produces controlled heating on the skin. The heat from RF promotes new collagen and elastin growth resulting in a tightening of the skin.
(AKA Laser Lipo) Using low doses of visible light to induce photo biomodulation (PBM), pores are created in fat cell membranes that allow the lipid contents to escape. These lipid contents are picked up and eliminated through the lymphatic system. Laser Lipo benefits include reduction of stubborn fat, smoothing cellulite, and skin tightening. This procedure is NOT intended as a weight-loss solution.
We recommend a series of 6-10 treatments to start, though clients have differing needs.
Uses negative pressure to increase both blood and lymphatic circulation.
Vacuum Therapy Butt Lift treatments can be used to lift, tone, sculpt and shape the buttocks without the risks of surgery.
Vacuum pumping massages the glutes, increases blood flow to lift and enhance the size and shape of the buttocks, and encourages collagen production to firm and smooth the skin. As a recovery after targeted glute workouts, increased blood flow helps to build muscle as well. Improvement is cumulative with most clients seeing initial results immediately.
Vacuum Therapy Cellulite Reduction provides one of the most effective treatments for cellulite because it addresses causes of cellulite. Treatments strengthen weakened skin, reduces excess fluids, loosens rigid fibrous bands that cause dimples and lumps. It may take 2 - 4 treatments before initial results are seen; results are cumulative. A series of 6 treatments performed weekly is recommended to start.
Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) uses magnetic fields to produce intense muscle contractions that improves muscle tone, strengthens, and builds muscle. EMS creates intense contractions of the muscles delivering approximately 20,000 muscular contractions in just 30 minutes. EMS also promotes healthy lymphatic function by increasing blood and lymphatic flow.
Using compressive microvibration, a handpiece with honeycombed shaped spheres rotates and produces vibrations, rapidly alternating between pressure and lifting. Feels like a “stone roller on steroids”.
Aesthetic Benefits include cellulite reduction, increased circulation, muscle toning, and improved collagen and elastin production.
Health and Wellness Benefits include decrease in aches and pains, reduced inflammation, increased muscle recovery and athletic recovery, and improved lymphatic drainage.
Side effects can include redness, heat sensation, mild itchiness due to increased circulation. Clients should consume 1-1½ liters of water daily, follow a balanced diet and incorporate exercise
It is a treatment that allows transdermal conducting of specific products through electroporation. Electroporation makes the cell membrane permeable, allowing for efficient use of products and a more effective treatment. Mesotherapy improves specific conditions such as - decreasing localized adiposities, improve sagging skin, reducing appearance of cellulite, treating fibrosis after liposuction, improve atrophy or thinning of the skin after surgical procedures.
Infrared rays can release heat energy to increase the internal temperature of local tissues, dilate blood vessels, accelerate the circulation of blood and lymph, improve metabolism, speed chemical reactions within the body, and induce fat catabolism.
Heat energy generated by infrared rays can lessen the tension in muscles to support full muscle relaxation. Profuse sweating, induced by the infrared sauna, can assist in eliminating this unwanted debris from the body.
Pressotherapy (aka intermittent compression therapy) utilizes pneumatic compression to increase the flow of blood and lymph. Rhythmic compression accelerates the elimination of fats, excess fluids, and other waste from the body. Many modern lifestyles compromise lymphatic function, causing you to feel swollen, puffy, or bloated.
Body contouring treatments rely on the lymphatic system to work and pressotherapy helps assist those functions.